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Benoit Hamon wins the fight for the soul of French Socialism
Hardline Hamon wins French Socialist presidential race
France Election: Benoit Hamon wins Socialist Party primary
France Left Primary: Benoît Hamon wins Primary against Manuel Valls (Socialist Party sources)
France: Manuel Valls, Benoit Hamon clash in socialists' run-off vote
Benoit Hamon, from underdog to French Socialists' new favourite
French socialist presidential candidate Hamon fails to muster support
Benoit Hamon
France's Socialists vote for their presidential candidate
Benoit Hamon becomes left-wing candidate for presidential election in France
French Left Primary: Benoît Hamon wins with 58.65% of the votes (partial results)
Taxing robots, legalising marijuana, universal revenue... Is Hamon reinventing the french Left?